Cassini Mission

Wonderful things

Somewhere on the other side of Saturn, a small device hurtling through space took this picture.

That tiny spec where the arrow points. That’s Earth.

The Cassini Orbiter has taken thousands of pictures, all fascinating to scientists, particularly astronomers and astrophysicists.

But this one is special – this one is beautiful. This one is for the rest of us – the poets and artists among us.

Look at how the rings scatter the sunlight when Saturn eclipses the Sun. A soft golden glow illuminates the dark side of the planet.

Do you see that small pale dot above and towards the left of the brightest ring? That’s no spec of dust; that’s where we live; that’s Earth. It’s where the Cassini Orbiter started its journey. And it’s where you are now looking at this picture.

We could not have imagined this picture for ourselves. It took those fervent dreamers, those visionaries, the curious, idealistic seekers of knowledge and understanding, those ‘artists’ to make it real for us. So, shine on you scientists and engineers. Work your millions of tiny marvels to create technology that extends our reach so very far.

Meanwhile, we can nourish our inner nerd and boldly geek out at